Pet souvenirs

The reasons why a mother cat brings her cubs to you

Many cat owners must have had the experience of a mother cat bringing her kittens to you. Some cat owners may be so touched that they think, "Wow, my cat really loves me so much that it has entrusted its precious children to me to take care of."
But is this really the case? Does a mother cat bring her kittens to you because she really loves you? Let's find out the answer together!

Pet souvenirs

1. Not knowing how to take care of the kittens
For first-time mother cats, they have absolutely no experience in taking care of the kittens. They may not know how to feed, clean, or even protect the kittens.
In this case, the mother cat may feel very confused and helpless. They may bring the kitten to you, asking for help, hoping that you can help it take care of the baby.

2. Don’t like this cub
If a female cat gives you a cub, it may be because she doesn't like the cub. This may sound a bit cruel, but it is indeed possible.
When the mother cat finds that the kitten is stained with the smell of other animals or humans, it will make the mother cat mistakenly think that these kittens are not her own children.
The mother cat may feel repulsive and dissatisfied with the kittens, and even want to abandon them. So it brings the kitten to you, probably hoping that you can take it away.

3. Show off to you
For a mother cat, it is undoubtedly a great thing to be able to safely give birth to a litter of lively and healthy kittens. They will feel very proud, so they are eager to share this achievement with you.
So, when the mother cat brings the kittens to you, it seems to be saying: "Master, look, these are my babies, aren't they very cute?"

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4. Ask you to help take care of the kittens
For cats who are new mothers, taking care of a litter of kittens may make them feel overwhelmed and a little overwhelmed. Especially when there are a lot of kittens, the mother cat may feel very tired.
In this case, the mother cat may bring the kittens to you, asking for your help, hoping that you can share some of the tasks of taking care of the kittens.

5. Insufficient milk
If the mother cat gives birth to a lot of kittens and its nutrition is not enough, it may not have enough milk to feed all the kittens.
So the mother cat may selectively abandon some of the kittens and bring them to you, which means that she hopes you can help feed these kittens.

6. The kittens are going to stop breastfeeding
Generally speaking, kittens will grow milk teeth more than a month after they are born. At this time, they will bite the mother cat when they are feeding, which makes the mother cat feel pain.
In order to avoid this pain, the mother cat may take the initiative to bring the kittens to you, which is actually a hint to you that these kittens have grown up, it is time to wean, and you need to prepare food for them.

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In general, there are many reasons why a mother cat brings her kittens to you. Cat owners should try to understand the mother cat's real needs and give her appropriate help and support.

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