Pet plastic 3D printing

Pets can be used for 3D printing

From more than ten years ago, after the gradual maturity of 3D printing technology and the expiration of various patents and the rise of the open source movement. The emergence of 3D printers has greatly reduced the cost of 3D printing, and is widely used in industrial, commercial, medical and other industries.

3D printing applications

In recent years, with the continuous exploration and research and development of new materials and technologies, the application of 3D printing technology is constantly expanding, such as the military industry, aviation field, automobile manufacturing industry, and medical care, etc. are all advancing by leaps and bounds. The pet industry also makes full use of 3D printing technology.

In the manufacturing industry, 3D printing can quickly produce complex parts and components, helping to greatly improve the work process. In the field of medical care, 3D printing technology is used to manufacture biological materials and human tissues, such as prostheses, prosthetics, teeth, etc.

3D printing applications

Nowadays, more and more disabled patients are seeking to use 3D printing technology to create missing body parts for themselves. This technology has also been applied to pets.

The pet dog Nini's two forelimbs were cut off by malicious villains. The wrist joint is intact and all the fingers are amputated. After surgery, the wound has healed and the stitches have been removed. 3D printing technology was used to make prosthetic limbs for Nini

First, take an impression of the affected limb and build a three-dimensional model through scanning.

3D printing applications
3D printing applications
3D printing applications


Then print the socket model, test the socket fit, and finally test the prosthesis and adjust it.

3D printing applications
3D printing applications
3D printing applications

Now the pet dog Nini can play happily again through 3D printing technology.

Nini's experience was tragic, but fortunately, he was rescued by his owner. I hope that every animal can be treated properly. Treating animals well is treating humans well. It is difficult for stray animals to survive in a difficult environment. Saving stray animals is to help humans themselves. There are many ways for us to participate in the practice of protecting stray animals and make a small contribution.

In addition to making prosthetics for injured pets, 3D printing technology can also print entire pet dogs. The following remote-controlled robot dog was completed using 3D printing technology:

In addition, 3D printing technology can also print pet models, which can provide pet owners with customized and innovative products and services. Based on the pet photos from multiple angles provided by the pet owner, the pet status can be designed with a specific size, shape and posture, and a pet simulation statue model can be produced as a precious souvenir for the pet owner. You can also create pet portraits and artwork to show your pet’s unique charm and personality.

In contrast, pet 3D printing is a modern technological means that can accurately replicate the shape and image of pets through computer-aided design and 3D printing technology. This method focuses on technological innovation and digital manufacturing, which can more accurately replicate the physical characteristics of pets. People can use photos or digital models of their pets to use 3D printing technology to create 3D models or sculptures of their pets as decorations or souvenirs.

pet 3D printing model
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